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The Art of Mentoring ?

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The Art of Mentoring The Art of Mentoring The Art of Mentoring

Chapter 1: All Things Mentoring

Before we get into the Art of Mentoring, I would like to first expand on all things mentoring. There are so many misconceptions and misinterpretations of what this word actually means and what exactly happens in a mentoring relationship.

Mentoring Unwrapped

Mentoring can be viewed in simple terms as a healthy, intellectual, and mutually rewarding conversation between two individuals. When I say two individuals, I am referring to one person having experience, skill, and competence in a particular domain, and another person who aspires to improve his or her game in that same domain. You can see that I am not at all referring to one individual being older or younger than the other. Age has no role to play here. What is at play is what I call ‘Wisdom Asymmetry.’

One individual has a better grasp and knowledge than the other, and mentoring is a means of bridging that asymmetry in a positively reinforcing manner. Both individuals benefit in such a partnership founded on sharing and learning, and I will expand in future chapters on the benefits of mentoring to both mentors and mentees.

Mentoring in my own experience is a form of accelerated learning. There is a Japanese proverb that reads, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great mentor.” There are times in our lives when we have to learn on our own, and other times when we must learn as fast as we can.


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